After Christmas your house may be packed full of toys and gifts galore. They can take up a lot of space in your house. Therefore we have got some tips for you to keep your house tidy in January.
If you throw all your gifts in one unorganised pile you will notice that they take up more space than needed. You can help to create more space simply by organising your gifts into a neat pile. This will help to utilise the space which you have.
Storage rental
When cleaning out your home it isn’t always the case that you wish to throw items away but simply have them out of the way. You can use one of our storage rentals to help to declutter your home without having to throw away any of your valuables.
Donate / Sell
If you have items which you now no longer have the need for but are still usable you can donate or sell your items. As they say, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. This may mean you help an organisation out or make some money on the side after a draining Christmas.
If you chose to use a storage rental then you can contact our Bolton or Denton storage centres to find out our availability. You can use a storage unit for as long or as short as you want.
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